
PGT and IVF: The Perfect Pairing

The purpose of the PGT exam (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) is to identify chromosomal genetic alterations through an embryo biopsy before it is implanted in the uterus of the future mother. With this analysis, the probability of pregnancy can be improved since the possible cause of spontaneous abortions is identified and decreased. In FERTILITE We have a state-of-the-art laboratory that allows us to use technology in favor of assisted reproduction procedures and thus make the dream of the arrival of a baby come true.

Genetic Diagnosis Preimplantation (PGT)

El Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis or PGT for its acronym in English is a relatively recent technology, which has evolved rapidly and currently allows us to determine through the biopsy of an embryo more than 350 diseases or gene mutations to identify abnormalities in both the number and structure of chromosomes. For this, the embryos must be obtained through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and obtained from them a sample of 5-10 cells to determine if they are affected or not.

Two Wich Patients Are Recommended?

We offer PGT to all patients who want this test, but we consider it an indication particularly if:

• The age of the future mother is older than 35 years, as it increases the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
• If there are recurrent abortions.
• History of familial genetic diseases.
• Repeated treatment failure of reproductive medicine

The binomial In Vitro Fertilization with PGT seeks to obtain healthy embryos to achieve a healthy pregnancy and a baby with almost zero risk of genetic diseases.

Identifying the sex of the future baby is possible through the PGT since it is one of the reports that the test includes.

What Diseases Can Be Detected?

Among the diseases that can be detected with this test are:

1) Polycystic kidney disease
2) Cystic Fibrosis
3) Hemophilia
4) Thalassemia A and B
5) Achondroplasia
6) Falconi anemia
7) Breast and ovarian cancer
8) Muscular dystrophy, among others

PGT is an example of a technology initially designed for reproductive purposes, which, when associated with molecular genetic technologies, is now widely used in the diagnosis and prevention of these diseases. So now parents with these conditions can have their own children without worrying.

How do we carry out the PGT?

From the capture of the ovules, these are fertilized and stored in the laboratory for 3 to 6 days until they reach the blastocyst stage, that is where they are extracted between 5 and 6 cells (blastomeres) which will be biopsied with strict quality and cultivation standards.

Once the biopsy is done, the embryo is frozen and the cells to be biopsied will be examined in a genetic laboratory where are identified and classified the possible chromosomal abnormalities, or the normal characteristics of an embryo and thus consider implantation of healthy embryos and free of genetic abnormalities.

How Secure Is The Exam?

The method is known since 10 years ago. To date, PGT treatment is only carried out in a small number of clinics around the world, and in FERTILITE Tijuana we have this analysis within our list of procedures that we continuously do and that also we were pioneers in offering in the city since our goal is to provide innovative solutions and accurate to ensure the health of your future baby.


Our coordinator will answer all your questions and will help you book your visit to our center.