
Your Future Is Today

Specialists In Egg Vitrification

Over the past four decades, the average age of first-time mothers worldwide has notably changed, surpassing 30 years in 2017. This shift is attributed to the increasing interest of women in higher education, their participation in the workforce, and the trend of delaying pregnancy.

In this context, FERTILITE offers a concrete solution for preserving future fertility: the “PRESERVE” program, which is based on the technique of “oocyte vitrification,” more commonly known as “egg freezing.” This proposal aligns with current trends of fertility preservation and the adoption of advanced technologies.


It’s our “fertility preservation” program, in which you have the option to decide when you want to get pregnant in your future life. PRESERVE involves a set of procedures that allow for the collection and storage of oocytes or ovarian tissue through vitrification or freezing, preserving the biological conditions to facilitate future pregnancies.

There are various reasons to opt for PRESERVE, both medical and social.

Medical Reasons

Let’s first address the medical situations where this option is relevant. Some diseases or medical treatments can affect the reproductive organs and their functioning, which could compromise the ability to conceive. This is particularly relevant in cases like endometriosis, autoimmune diseases, and cancer patients undergoing therapies that could influence their fertility.

Social or Choice Reasons

In addition to medical reasons, fertility preservation for social reasons is gaining importance, although it remains less common in Latin America.

In countries like the United States, England, Spain, and some European countries, this option has become more widespread. Reasons such as postponing pregnancy due to studies, work, or the absence of a partner are factors that influence this choice.

The notion of the “biological clock” is crucial when considering PRESERVÉ.

The biological clock in women refers to the concept of fertility and the ability to conceive a child throughout their life. Women are born with a limited number of eggs in their ovaries, and as they age, both the quantity and quality of those eggs tend to decrease. This has an impact on a woman’s ability to naturally become pregnant.

The term “biological clock” is often used to emphasize the importance of age in relation to fertility. Women are most fertile in their younger years, and this fertility generally decreases as they approach 30 and especially after 35. From 40 years onwards, fertility decreases significantly, and the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases.

It’s important to note that each woman is unique and that age isn’t the only factor influencing fertility. Other factors such as overall health, lifestyle, and medical conditions can also play a significant role in a woman’s ability to become pregnant.

What are the benefits of PRESERVE?

If you choose to freeze your eggs when you’re young, you’ll have the opportunity to use them in the future, maintaining the same pregnancy chances you had when you froze them.

Since current medicine can’t reverse the biological aging of eggs, cryopreservation presents hope for preserving fertility. Oocyte vitrification has proven effective in maintaining fertility.

It’s recommended to freeze eggs before the age of 35 and to have an adequate number (ideally at least 20) for optimal chances of success.

To further illustrate, here are pregnancy success percentages based on different age groups:


18-24 YEARS

Excellent ovarian reserve.


25-30 YEARS

High chances of pregnancy.


31-35 YEARS

Beginning decline in egg quantity.


36-40 YEARS

Reduced fertility, chromosomal changes.


41-45 YEARS

Lack of fertility, onset of menopause.

A Fertility Plan For Every Moment Of Life

What Does Vitrification Consist Of?

The vitrification process involves immersing the oocytes in liquid nitrogen at -196°C, which preserves their characteristics and quality for future use. Cryopreservation can be extended indefinitely, but it’s recommended to use the oocytes during a woman’s fertile age.

The path through PRESERVÉ involves considering a fertility test to determine the suitability of the oocytes for freezing. This includes hormonal profiling and pelvic ultrasound. Based on the results, an individualized treatment plan is devised.

How Long Can Cryopreservation Last?

Cryopreservation can be extended indefinitely, but the best results are achieved when the eggs are used during the woman’s physiologically fertile age.

Step By Step

The first step is to undergo a fertility test to determine if your oocytes are suitable for freezing. This includes a female hormonal profile, prolactin, and antimüllerian hormone (AMH) tests, along with a pelvic ultrasound. Based on the test results and your medical history, we can discuss your current fertility and help you make decisions about future fertility treatments.

The PRESERVÉ process consists of several stages:

Ovarian stimulation

Hormones are administered to stimulate the ovary, resulting in mature follicles.

Egg retrieval

Follicles are retrieved through a puncture procedure under sedation, and it’s outpatient.

Egg freezing

Oocytes are frozen using vitrification and stored for future use.

Success Through Knowledge And Experience

Pregnancy success rates with Frozen Eggs

Pregnancy rates higher than natural cycle pregnancy rates.

Fertilization rate after thawing.

Fertilization rate after thawing.

Our success rates are promising both in using frozen oocytes and in cryotransfer.

How to Identify a Quality Fertility Clinic?

The success of fertility treatment depends not only on your individual organic circumstances but also on the choice of the fertility center.

The following points will guide you in this process:

Multidisciplinary Team: A successful fertility clinic has a team of experts well-trained in Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine, Andrology, Embryology, and other medical disciplines.

Personalized Treatments: They should offer treatments completely tailored to your stage of life and needs.

Scientific Updates: Continuous education ensures the immediate application of the latest scientific advancements.

Advanced Technology: It’s important for the clinic to have high-quality technology readily available on their premises.

Proven Success Rates: The treatment’s success should be supported by documented success rates.

Medical Certifications: The clinic should hold certifications from major Medical Associations at the National or International level.

Each of these points is part of the standards we follow in our daily work. If you want more information, we invite you to learn more about our approach.

On the path to making your dreams come true

Costs of Egg Vitrification Program*

Including medical and financial decisions in your present to achieve valuable results in your future.

Save up to


vs U.S. Prices



$3,500 USD

Fertility Preservation
and egg vitrification

We understand that the financial aspect is often a concern when considering treatments. Our goal is to be as transparent and helpful as possible, so we’ve detailed the costs of egg vitrification. Additional charges for specific services may apply if your case requires them. These details will be discussed with you as part of your personalized treatment plan before the process begins. If you want more information, feel free to get in touch with us. *Costs may be adjusted according to exchange rates in the Mexican national currency.

If you have questions about the PRESERVÉ Program:

FERTILITE is trusted by numerous women who have opted for egg vitrification to achieve pregnancy at the time they choose.

We’re here to assist you!